Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Vision of the Compass

At our launch team meeting this past Sunday we took a look at our vision and studied some scripture to reenforce why we are being called to bring this vision into reality. It is important to not only have a vision but to also have an understanding of how you will live out the vision. Please take some time to read through our vision and our understanding of how we will live it out.

The vision of The Compass is an urban, multi-ethnic, relevant, holistic, and Christ-centered community that would serve as one part of an overall vision of Christian Community Development in the city of St. Paul; calling and equipping the people of the city in a holistic manner to be set free from the things of this world that can hold us in bondage. In Christ Jesus there is freedom. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty” II Corinthians 3:17 We're not aiming for another religious activity, but an authentic pursuit of Christ and the power and purpose He can bring to each of our lives. And really, T H A T I S C H U R C H! Not pews and pulpits, but people committed to a vital, g r o w in g relationship with J e s u s C h r i s t and one another.

Liberated people bring liberation to people!

As liberated people we will live this vision out by:

1. Building conviction about diversity
a. Biblically: people must know why biblically we should have multicultural churches (see Rev. 7:9-12; Acts 6:1-7; 11:19-26; 13:1-3; Matt. 28:19-20; Eph. 2:14-22; Gal. 3:26-28).
b. Strategically: the urban reality is multicultural and the church must not lag behind the world’s diversity but, instead, demonstrate a healthy model of unity in diversity in Christ to the world.

2. Affirming diversity as part of the church’s identity and vision
a. Through messages: the pastor must speak about it frequently in his messages.
b. Through planning: diversity usually doesn’t just happen; there must be intentionality in our plans to grow as a diverse church.
c. Through worship, outreach, and ministries: worship should be enriched by elements from diverse cultures, and ministries should be developed or refined to be sensitive to concerns of diverse cultures.

3. Building a multicultural leadership team and staff
a. Pray for God to direct you to the people of other cultures he has to grow and serve with you.
b. Pursue those people, challenging them with your vision and their role in it.
c. Disciple/Train them to grow and serve with you.

4. Enjoying progress and anticipate problems
a. Celebrate diversity: it’s a foretaste of heaven that we can relish right here and now!
b. Evaluate dynamics: be alert to how people are interacting on deeper levels.
c. Learn to identify warning signals: factions, undercurrents, and "mysterious disappearances."
d. Facilitate communication: an ongoing need to not only solve problems but maximize what God intends diversity to be.

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