Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Jeremiah 17:7-8

7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
8 He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

The back ground of this text is about the sin of Judah. There is a great deal of wisdom that can be found in Jeremiah 17. You can see how far off the God track Judah had gotten. Jeremiah prays for deliverance and tells the people that God calls them to keep the sabbath Holy.

In the midst of laying out what it looks like to be in such sin, which is because there was a lack of trust in God, the writer turns our attention to what it is like for the person that trust in God.

First, the person is blessed not because he/she trust in God but because his/her trust is God. Second, this person that understands that their trust is God dose not have to fear because even in the driest moments of life as they push into God they are feed with all that they need. Lastly, the person whose trust is God and is feed by God is able to still bear fruit for the glory of God in the dry moments of life. Many of us walk around hoping to be filled and feed by what the world offers us. But the only sustainer of our lives is our Lord of Lords, our King of Kings Jesus the Christ.

Where has your trust been lately?

Are you allowing God to feed you?

God stands ready to supply all of your needs. To fill you with his grace and mercy. Jeremiah 17 ends with God stating what He will do if His people will trust Him and keep the Sabbath Holy. I will let you read it for yourself (Jeremiah 17: 24-26).

Peace Be With You!


Anonymous said...

I am always challenged by referrences in the Bible to keep the Sabbath holy. I struggle to understand what that means to me and to us in our time and culture. I believe we are not bound by the laws of the Old Testament that dictated their every move so what "guidelines" apply for us today? I would love to have more discussion on this topic. - Jenni

Pastor T said...

I do not believe that we are held to the O.T. law of Sabbath. I think what God most want from us, is us. A sabbath is meant to draw us away from the things of this world to a place of reflection and rest. Very hard to do in our culture today. But as we begin to see how much more of God we need we should take time to grow in this area. We may need to take a look having a sabbath hour and grow from there. This is a spiritual discipline like prayer, fasting or reading God's Word each day.