Jeremiah 17:7-8
7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
8 He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
The back ground of this text is about the sin of Judah. There is a great deal of wisdom that can be found in Jeremiah 17. You can see how far off the God track Judah had gotten. Jeremiah prays for deliverance and tells the people that God calls them to keep the sabbath Holy.
In the midst of laying out what it looks like to be in such sin, which is because there was a lack of trust in God, the writer turns our attention to what it is like for the person that trust in God.
First, the person is blessed not because he/she trust in God but because his/her trust is God. Second, this person that understands that their trust is God dose not have to fear because even in the driest moments of life as they push into God they are feed with all that they need. Lastly, the person whose trust is God and is feed by God is able to still bear fruit for the glory of God in the dry moments of life. Many of us walk around hoping to be filled and feed by what the world offers us. But the only sustainer of our lives is our Lord of Lords, our King of Kings Jesus the Christ.
Where has your trust been lately?
Are you allowing God to feed you?
God stands ready to supply all of your needs. To fill you with his grace and mercy. Jeremiah 17 ends with God stating what He will do if His people will trust Him and keep the Sabbath Holy. I will let you read it for yourself (Jeremiah 17: 24-26).
Peace Be With You!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Numbers 35:10b-12
When you cross over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall select cities to be cities of refuge for you, which the manslayer who kills any person without intent may flee there. The cities shall be for you a refuge from the avenger, that the manslayer may not die until he stands before the congregation for judgment. EVS
I am pulling these verses out of the context of which they are placed. The context is God speaking to Moses, saying that he is to set up cities where people can go to be safe. This is to be a place where the one seeking to destroy can’t get at them.
As you read this text you will find that the context is very clear as to what job Moses had to do. It is clear what God was asking Moses to do. The reason why a safe place had to be created.
There were two words that kept speaking to me (refuge and avenger).
This week as you continue to reflect on this text and more over these words consider these questions.
How has the avenger (Satan) been coming after you lately?
Where are the places in your relationship with God are you finding refuge?
Read Psalm 46:1-5
Where does God say our refuge is?
When you cross over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall select cities to be cities of refuge for you, which the manslayer who kills any person without intent may flee there. The cities shall be for you a refuge from the avenger, that the manslayer may not die until he stands before the congregation for judgment. EVS
I am pulling these verses out of the context of which they are placed. The context is God speaking to Moses, saying that he is to set up cities where people can go to be safe. This is to be a place where the one seeking to destroy can’t get at them.
As you read this text you will find that the context is very clear as to what job Moses had to do. It is clear what God was asking Moses to do. The reason why a safe place had to be created.
There were two words that kept speaking to me (refuge and avenger).
This week as you continue to reflect on this text and more over these words consider these questions.
How has the avenger (Satan) been coming after you lately?
Where are the places in your relationship with God are you finding refuge?
Read Psalm 46:1-5
Where does God say our refuge is?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
East Azimuth
Azimuth - A direction set on a fixed position - Our azimuth is CHRIST
EAST - Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness - Ephesians 6:19-20
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
We are called to put on armor of God. Be a soldier for God. Sometimes being a soldier is hard. We have to be brave. To stand up for what you believe is very hard. It takes work and discipline. It takes having your armor in place and ready at all times. It also takes submitting to God. To tell Him that we will be His servants no matter what happens. And if we serve Him, God has promised that He will be faithful to give us the reward of eternal life and a crown of glory.
This is a good prayer to pray. Many people pray all kinds of unbiblical prayers today to bind Satan, cast down territorial spirits, and all such things. But here we have a true spiritual warfare prayer in the context of one of the premiere teachings on spiritual warfare. We know that the true power to change people is in the Gospel message:
Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
So a very important prayer for other Christians is that they will have the boldness to proclaim the Gospel. Witnessing is not easy. It takes guts, supernatural guts. God can give you the supernatural guts to proclaim the Gospel if you really desire it as Paul did. Paul was in prison simply for preaching the Gospel. This could have made him fearful to continue. But because people were praying for him he continued until he was finally put to death. Because of Paul we have the Gentile church today and countless Christians through the ages are products of his witness among other foundational Apostles. We owe him a great debt, but we also owe that debt to Christians who did spiritual warfare by praying that Paul would be fearless in his proclamation of the Gospel message.
We are to encourage by preaching the Word and holding to sound doctrine.
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage— with great patience and careful instruction.
Titus 1:9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
We are to encourage young men to be self-controlled.
Titus 2:6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
We need to encourage people to be busy about the things of the Lord and to help the timid and the weak.
1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Leadership in the church is to teach the Word to encourage and rebuke.
Titus 2:15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
We are to encourage one another to live holy lives so that we will not be caught in sin.
Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
The Power of Preaching
Preaching the Gospel
The People’s Responsibility (19a)
The Pastor’s Responsibility (19b-20)
A. Preach the Word
B. Preach Boldly
C. Preach the Gospel
D. Preach Wherever
Have you ever seen a real marine, one that looks the part? You know, big and muscular. He would have battle scars and the stories to go with them. He would say that he hopes that when we get to heaven, we can go out and fight the forces of darkness. He wants to battle demons.
I don’t think we’ll be doing that in the Kingdom, but guess what….we are doing that now. You can’t see them, hear them, or feel them physically, but you have enemies all around you who are trying to injure you, hurt you, and drag you down.
That is why it is so important to know about spiritual warfare, and what God has given to us for defense, and what our marching orders are. The armor that God has given to us is all defensive…even the sword for the most part. This is because all we’re supposed to do is stand in the victory that we have in Christ.
But there are two weapons God has given us to engage the enemy. The first is prayer which Paul wrote about in 6:18. It is our secret weapon. It is how we call down air support from heaven. It is how we draw on the infinite power of God to help us when we are under attack. The power of prayer is one of the greatest weapons God has given to us against the enemy, yet too many of us neglect it in our lives.
But there is another weapon God has given to us, and this weapon is two-pronged. It serves to strengthen our own soldiers in this battle, and serves to take forces away from the enemy and add them to our own forces.
Imagine if you were a soldier in Iraq, or part of this global war on terrorism, and you were given the mission of infiltrating Al Qaeda, and persuading some of them to leave Al Qaeda to fight on the side of America, and fight against Al Qaeda instead. Can you imagine how difficult this would be? Can you imagine how scary, but also how thrilling it would be to be on the inside of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, trying to get terrorists to defect and begin fighting on our side instead?
Yet this is what we learn about in Ephesians 6:19-20. God has called people to this very task, but in a spiritual war, not a physical one.
There are only two sides in this war, and Jesus said in Mark 9:40 that whoever is not for us is against us. Therefore, whoever is not on the side of Jesus is on the side of Satan. In other words, only believers are on God’s side, and everyone else is on Satan’s side.
But God has given us a way to help people leave Satan’s side, and join our side. God has given us a way to free people from their bondage to Satan, and bring them into freedom in Christ. This is something we want to do, because the more people we have on our side, the less Satan has on his. And though Satan has already lost the war, he still wants to do as much damage as possible to us, and even to the people who are fighting for him. So we must rescue as many as we can.
And God has given us a weapon to do this. What is this weapon? It is the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, and specifically, the Gospel.
I. The People’s Responsibility (19a)
19and [pray] for me,
You must pray for your pastor. Pastor’s, as the spiritual leaders in the church, frequently come under much greater spiritual attack than the rest of Christians. Satan knows that if he can get a pastor to fall into sin, he can keep people away from church, and ruin the reputation of Christians among unbelievers, and sometimes even destroy that church.
We hear so many reports of pastor who have fallen into sin, sexual sin where they run off with their secretary, financial sin where they steal funds from the church, sins of addiction where they become enslaved to drugs and alcohol. A large part of this is that the pastor made some bad decisions, and thought he wouldn’t get caught.
But another side to the failure of so many pastors is that pastors are undergoing incredible amounts of spiritual attack, and the people of their church are not lifting and supporting their pastor in prayer as they should be. In spiritual warfare, pastors and preachers of the Word need the prayer support of the people in their churches.
Now in the context, Paul has one thing in mind which he wants prayer for, and it is for boldness in preaching of the Word, and specifically, preaching the Gospel. The people of the church must be praying for their pastor to preach the Gospel clearly, and accurately, and boldly. Why? So that the church can grow, both in numbers and in maturity.
It is through the preaching of the Word that people are saved, and it is through the preaching of the Word that the saved are strengthened. Satan knows the power of preaching, and so he does everything he can to stop pastors from preaching. He will get churches to cut the sermon out of their service in favor of drama or more music. Satan will get churches to tell the pastor that people don’t want to hear the Bible taught any more, and so if he could just tell them a bunch of stories, that would be better.
But preaching is warfare activity, and when we let go of preaching, we are losing a battle to Satan. So, the church must pray that their pastor preaches the Word, and preaches it accurately, and preaches it boldly.
Charles Spurgeon is considered to be one of the most eloquent and bold preachers who ever lived. He lived in the nineteenth century, and all of his sermons were drawn from Scripture. He preached so well, they called him the prince of preachers.
Someone else once said “There will be more Power in the pulpit when there is more Prayer in the pew.”
Now, if it is the people’s responsibility to pray for their pastor to preach, it is the pastor’s responsibility to not let them down, and do his best to preach.
II. The Pastor’s Responsibility (19b-20)
A. Preach the Word
that utterance may be given to me,
This word utterance that is used here is actually the word “word.” In Greek it is the word logos. And it is singular, not plural, so could be translated “a word” or even “the word.” When Paul preaches, he first and foremost wants to speak a word from God.
If a pastor gets up to preach, and he doesn’t bring a word from God, his words are no better than anybody else’s words, and you shouldn’t listen to him. How high are God’s words above man’s words? God’s word is infinitely higher. And so if a pastor says that people can’t handle the Word that is a man you don’t have to listen to because he has nothing to say.
The only thing worth preaching and listening to is the Word of God.
Paul wants to preach the Word, and nothing but the Word, and so should any pastor who attempts to lead a church today. If we are not preaching the Word, we might as well sit down and be quiet, for we have nothing of substance to say.
But beyond preaching the Word, Paul also wants to preach boldly.
A. Preach Boldly
that I may open my mouth boldly
In Acts 4:29-31, we see the apostles pray for boldness in their preaching as well. God gave them boldness, and as a result, the church began to live as the church should.
It is very nerve wracking to preach boldly when you know that what you are going to say is not popular. And we live in a day and age when the preaching of the Word is not popular. People’s ears itch after so many other things than the Word of God. They want their ears to be tickled. They want church to be closer to a comedy social club than a house of instruction.
And if preaching the Word is unpopular among Christians, it is even more unpopular among non-Christians. To them, the Word of God is foolish. It is a bunch of stories and fairy tales, and calls to trust in a God they cannot see for things they are not really sure they want.
It is for this reason, and many others, that Paul desires to preach boldly, and so asks that the Ephesians Christians pray for him to preach boldly.
Paul wants to be bold in his preaching, and request that people pray for him to be bold when he preaches the Word. Now the reason
B. Preach the Gospel
to make known the mystery of the gospel,
This is crucial. In this passage on spiritual warfare, the gospel is crucial to understand, and it is critical to know why Paul focused on preaching the Gospel.
When we preach and teach about how Jesus came to earth, and how He lived a sinless life, and how He died on the cross for our sins, and rose again the third day, and is seated now at the right hand of God the Father in heaven, and will come again one day to judge the living and the dead—when we preach these truths, it is a rallying cry for us, that Jesus Christ has defeated sin, death, and Satan.
But aside from that, when we preach these truths, it is a reminder to our enemy the devil, that he has lost this war. He is a defeated foe. He has no power over us. We are on the winning side. We are champions over him.
So not only is the Gospel and encouragement to us, and a reminder to Satan of his defeat, but preaching the Gospel is also how we persuade unbelievers to believe in Jesus for everlasting life. Every time a person believes in Jesus for everlasting life, they leave Satan’s kingdom of darkness, and are transferred into Jesus’ kingdom of light. Every person that believes in Jesus is another blow to Satan, and another victory for Jesus Christ.
This is why preaching the Word, and especially, preaching the Gospel, is warfare activity. It is how we advance the front line against our already defeated foe.
So this is why people should pray for their pastors: so that they will preach the Word, and preach it boldly, and especially preach the gospel so that the Kingdom of God can advance and grow as people hear the Gospel and believe in Jesus for everlasting life. This is why we must make the most of every opportunity, and preach wherever, whenever, and to whomever we can.
C. Preach Wherever
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
When Paul is writing this, he is writing from prison. He is chained between two strong Roman guards. The reason he is in prison is because he was preaching the Gospel boldly.
Most people in that situation would say, “Paul, look where your bold preaching has gotten you. You are chained up in prison. If you would just tone it down a bit, maybe you could get out. You can have greater effectiveness out of prison than you can in. You could preach to so many more people if you were free.”
But Paul doesn’t see it that way. He recognizes that he is in prison because he was preaching boldly, but he doesn’t think that the gospel should be preached in a weak way. It is the power of salvation, and should be proclaimed with power, conviction, passion, and boldness.
So he doesn’t see these two guards on either side of him as a hindrance to his preaching. Instead, he probably just preached away at them, and they couldn’t go anywhere. He literally had a captive audience. And even couple hours, new guards would come in, and Paul would begin again with the new guards.
And these weren’t any old guards. These were imperial guards. Paul recognized that he had an opportunity to preach to some men who would probably never hear the Gospel in any other way, and these men had areas of influence and power that most people in the Roman Empire didn’t have.
So in verse 19, when Paul mentions his chains, he says he is an ambassador in chains. He is a prisoner for Christ, and is doing everything he can to continue to proclaim the Gospel, even when he is in prison.
All of us also need to adopt such a perspective. We think, “If only I had the opportunity to teach a bigger group, then I would prepare better, and teach with more conviction. But if it’s only five or six, why bother?”
Paul doesn’t care if it’s two or two thousand, he is going to preach with accuracy, and boldness because he knows that every person that comes his way has been sent by God.
We are in a battle for our lives and for the lives of those who are not yet saved. The Spiritual armor Paul writes about in verses 10-17 is given to us for our personal protection against the enemy. Our secret weapon is prayer. But it is through preaching that we get our marching orders, it is through preaching that the lost world hears the gospel so they can be transferred from the side of the enemy and join our side, the side of our victorious Jesus Christ.
So pray for those who teach and preach the Word. Pray that God will give them understanding of His Word to teach it boldly and accurately. Pray that the Gospel will be spread and people will believe in Jesus for everlasting life.
A day is coming when this war will finally be over, and we will stand before Jesus, our General, and He will hand out metals and rewards for how well we have stood and fought for Him. On that day, I hope you and I will hear Him say, “Well done. You have fought well.” In order to hear that, you will need to have your armor on, and you will need to be in prayer, especially that the gospel will be spread.
EAST - Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness - Ephesians 6:19-20
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
We are called to put on armor of God. Be a soldier for God. Sometimes being a soldier is hard. We have to be brave. To stand up for what you believe is very hard. It takes work and discipline. It takes having your armor in place and ready at all times. It also takes submitting to God. To tell Him that we will be His servants no matter what happens. And if we serve Him, God has promised that He will be faithful to give us the reward of eternal life and a crown of glory.
This is a good prayer to pray. Many people pray all kinds of unbiblical prayers today to bind Satan, cast down territorial spirits, and all such things. But here we have a true spiritual warfare prayer in the context of one of the premiere teachings on spiritual warfare. We know that the true power to change people is in the Gospel message:
Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
So a very important prayer for other Christians is that they will have the boldness to proclaim the Gospel. Witnessing is not easy. It takes guts, supernatural guts. God can give you the supernatural guts to proclaim the Gospel if you really desire it as Paul did. Paul was in prison simply for preaching the Gospel. This could have made him fearful to continue. But because people were praying for him he continued until he was finally put to death. Because of Paul we have the Gentile church today and countless Christians through the ages are products of his witness among other foundational Apostles. We owe him a great debt, but we also owe that debt to Christians who did spiritual warfare by praying that Paul would be fearless in his proclamation of the Gospel message.
We are to encourage by preaching the Word and holding to sound doctrine.
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage— with great patience and careful instruction.
Titus 1:9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
We are to encourage young men to be self-controlled.
Titus 2:6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
We need to encourage people to be busy about the things of the Lord and to help the timid and the weak.
1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Leadership in the church is to teach the Word to encourage and rebuke.
Titus 2:15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
We are to encourage one another to live holy lives so that we will not be caught in sin.
Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
The Power of Preaching
Preaching the Gospel
The People’s Responsibility (19a)
The Pastor’s Responsibility (19b-20)
A. Preach the Word
B. Preach Boldly
C. Preach the Gospel
D. Preach Wherever
Have you ever seen a real marine, one that looks the part? You know, big and muscular. He would have battle scars and the stories to go with them. He would say that he hopes that when we get to heaven, we can go out and fight the forces of darkness. He wants to battle demons.
I don’t think we’ll be doing that in the Kingdom, but guess what….we are doing that now. You can’t see them, hear them, or feel them physically, but you have enemies all around you who are trying to injure you, hurt you, and drag you down.
That is why it is so important to know about spiritual warfare, and what God has given to us for defense, and what our marching orders are. The armor that God has given to us is all defensive…even the sword for the most part. This is because all we’re supposed to do is stand in the victory that we have in Christ.
But there are two weapons God has given us to engage the enemy. The first is prayer which Paul wrote about in 6:18. It is our secret weapon. It is how we call down air support from heaven. It is how we draw on the infinite power of God to help us when we are under attack. The power of prayer is one of the greatest weapons God has given to us against the enemy, yet too many of us neglect it in our lives.
But there is another weapon God has given to us, and this weapon is two-pronged. It serves to strengthen our own soldiers in this battle, and serves to take forces away from the enemy and add them to our own forces.
Imagine if you were a soldier in Iraq, or part of this global war on terrorism, and you were given the mission of infiltrating Al Qaeda, and persuading some of them to leave Al Qaeda to fight on the side of America, and fight against Al Qaeda instead. Can you imagine how difficult this would be? Can you imagine how scary, but also how thrilling it would be to be on the inside of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, trying to get terrorists to defect and begin fighting on our side instead?
Yet this is what we learn about in Ephesians 6:19-20. God has called people to this very task, but in a spiritual war, not a physical one.
There are only two sides in this war, and Jesus said in Mark 9:40 that whoever is not for us is against us. Therefore, whoever is not on the side of Jesus is on the side of Satan. In other words, only believers are on God’s side, and everyone else is on Satan’s side.
But God has given us a way to help people leave Satan’s side, and join our side. God has given us a way to free people from their bondage to Satan, and bring them into freedom in Christ. This is something we want to do, because the more people we have on our side, the less Satan has on his. And though Satan has already lost the war, he still wants to do as much damage as possible to us, and even to the people who are fighting for him. So we must rescue as many as we can.
And God has given us a weapon to do this. What is this weapon? It is the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, and specifically, the Gospel.
I. The People’s Responsibility (19a)
19and [pray] for me,
You must pray for your pastor. Pastor’s, as the spiritual leaders in the church, frequently come under much greater spiritual attack than the rest of Christians. Satan knows that if he can get a pastor to fall into sin, he can keep people away from church, and ruin the reputation of Christians among unbelievers, and sometimes even destroy that church.
We hear so many reports of pastor who have fallen into sin, sexual sin where they run off with their secretary, financial sin where they steal funds from the church, sins of addiction where they become enslaved to drugs and alcohol. A large part of this is that the pastor made some bad decisions, and thought he wouldn’t get caught.
But another side to the failure of so many pastors is that pastors are undergoing incredible amounts of spiritual attack, and the people of their church are not lifting and supporting their pastor in prayer as they should be. In spiritual warfare, pastors and preachers of the Word need the prayer support of the people in their churches.
Now in the context, Paul has one thing in mind which he wants prayer for, and it is for boldness in preaching of the Word, and specifically, preaching the Gospel. The people of the church must be praying for their pastor to preach the Gospel clearly, and accurately, and boldly. Why? So that the church can grow, both in numbers and in maturity.
It is through the preaching of the Word that people are saved, and it is through the preaching of the Word that the saved are strengthened. Satan knows the power of preaching, and so he does everything he can to stop pastors from preaching. He will get churches to cut the sermon out of their service in favor of drama or more music. Satan will get churches to tell the pastor that people don’t want to hear the Bible taught any more, and so if he could just tell them a bunch of stories, that would be better.
But preaching is warfare activity, and when we let go of preaching, we are losing a battle to Satan. So, the church must pray that their pastor preaches the Word, and preaches it accurately, and preaches it boldly.
Charles Spurgeon is considered to be one of the most eloquent and bold preachers who ever lived. He lived in the nineteenth century, and all of his sermons were drawn from Scripture. He preached so well, they called him the prince of preachers.
Someone else once said “There will be more Power in the pulpit when there is more Prayer in the pew.”
Now, if it is the people’s responsibility to pray for their pastor to preach, it is the pastor’s responsibility to not let them down, and do his best to preach.
II. The Pastor’s Responsibility (19b-20)
A. Preach the Word
that utterance may be given to me,
This word utterance that is used here is actually the word “word.” In Greek it is the word logos. And it is singular, not plural, so could be translated “a word” or even “the word.” When Paul preaches, he first and foremost wants to speak a word from God.
If a pastor gets up to preach, and he doesn’t bring a word from God, his words are no better than anybody else’s words, and you shouldn’t listen to him. How high are God’s words above man’s words? God’s word is infinitely higher. And so if a pastor says that people can’t handle the Word that is a man you don’t have to listen to because he has nothing to say.
The only thing worth preaching and listening to is the Word of God.
Paul wants to preach the Word, and nothing but the Word, and so should any pastor who attempts to lead a church today. If we are not preaching the Word, we might as well sit down and be quiet, for we have nothing of substance to say.
But beyond preaching the Word, Paul also wants to preach boldly.
A. Preach Boldly
that I may open my mouth boldly
In Acts 4:29-31, we see the apostles pray for boldness in their preaching as well. God gave them boldness, and as a result, the church began to live as the church should.
It is very nerve wracking to preach boldly when you know that what you are going to say is not popular. And we live in a day and age when the preaching of the Word is not popular. People’s ears itch after so many other things than the Word of God. They want their ears to be tickled. They want church to be closer to a comedy social club than a house of instruction.
And if preaching the Word is unpopular among Christians, it is even more unpopular among non-Christians. To them, the Word of God is foolish. It is a bunch of stories and fairy tales, and calls to trust in a God they cannot see for things they are not really sure they want.
It is for this reason, and many others, that Paul desires to preach boldly, and so asks that the Ephesians Christians pray for him to preach boldly.
Paul wants to be bold in his preaching, and request that people pray for him to be bold when he preaches the Word. Now the reason
B. Preach the Gospel
to make known the mystery of the gospel,
This is crucial. In this passage on spiritual warfare, the gospel is crucial to understand, and it is critical to know why Paul focused on preaching the Gospel.
When we preach and teach about how Jesus came to earth, and how He lived a sinless life, and how He died on the cross for our sins, and rose again the third day, and is seated now at the right hand of God the Father in heaven, and will come again one day to judge the living and the dead—when we preach these truths, it is a rallying cry for us, that Jesus Christ has defeated sin, death, and Satan.
But aside from that, when we preach these truths, it is a reminder to our enemy the devil, that he has lost this war. He is a defeated foe. He has no power over us. We are on the winning side. We are champions over him.
So not only is the Gospel and encouragement to us, and a reminder to Satan of his defeat, but preaching the Gospel is also how we persuade unbelievers to believe in Jesus for everlasting life. Every time a person believes in Jesus for everlasting life, they leave Satan’s kingdom of darkness, and are transferred into Jesus’ kingdom of light. Every person that believes in Jesus is another blow to Satan, and another victory for Jesus Christ.
This is why preaching the Word, and especially, preaching the Gospel, is warfare activity. It is how we advance the front line against our already defeated foe.
So this is why people should pray for their pastors: so that they will preach the Word, and preach it boldly, and especially preach the gospel so that the Kingdom of God can advance and grow as people hear the Gospel and believe in Jesus for everlasting life. This is why we must make the most of every opportunity, and preach wherever, whenever, and to whomever we can.
C. Preach Wherever
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
When Paul is writing this, he is writing from prison. He is chained between two strong Roman guards. The reason he is in prison is because he was preaching the Gospel boldly.
Most people in that situation would say, “Paul, look where your bold preaching has gotten you. You are chained up in prison. If you would just tone it down a bit, maybe you could get out. You can have greater effectiveness out of prison than you can in. You could preach to so many more people if you were free.”
But Paul doesn’t see it that way. He recognizes that he is in prison because he was preaching boldly, but he doesn’t think that the gospel should be preached in a weak way. It is the power of salvation, and should be proclaimed with power, conviction, passion, and boldness.
So he doesn’t see these two guards on either side of him as a hindrance to his preaching. Instead, he probably just preached away at them, and they couldn’t go anywhere. He literally had a captive audience. And even couple hours, new guards would come in, and Paul would begin again with the new guards.
And these weren’t any old guards. These were imperial guards. Paul recognized that he had an opportunity to preach to some men who would probably never hear the Gospel in any other way, and these men had areas of influence and power that most people in the Roman Empire didn’t have.
So in verse 19, when Paul mentions his chains, he says he is an ambassador in chains. He is a prisoner for Christ, and is doing everything he can to continue to proclaim the Gospel, even when he is in prison.
All of us also need to adopt such a perspective. We think, “If only I had the opportunity to teach a bigger group, then I would prepare better, and teach with more conviction. But if it’s only five or six, why bother?”
Paul doesn’t care if it’s two or two thousand, he is going to preach with accuracy, and boldness because he knows that every person that comes his way has been sent by God.
We are in a battle for our lives and for the lives of those who are not yet saved. The Spiritual armor Paul writes about in verses 10-17 is given to us for our personal protection against the enemy. Our secret weapon is prayer. But it is through preaching that we get our marching orders, it is through preaching that the lost world hears the gospel so they can be transferred from the side of the enemy and join our side, the side of our victorious Jesus Christ.
So pray for those who teach and preach the Word. Pray that God will give them understanding of His Word to teach it boldly and accurately. Pray that the Gospel will be spread and people will believe in Jesus for everlasting life.
A day is coming when this war will finally be over, and we will stand before Jesus, our General, and He will hand out metals and rewards for how well we have stood and fought for Him. On that day, I hope you and I will hear Him say, “Well done. You have fought well.” In order to hear that, you will need to have your armor on, and you will need to be in prayer, especially that the gospel will be spread.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Kingdom Party
On September 29, 2007, The Compass Launch Team took a step of faith by hosting a Kingdom Party in the community that we intend to focus our outreach energy. Our hope was to introduce the ministry of The Compass to the community but with fast approaching storm clouds and 40+ mph winds, it seemed we would be kept from delivering the event that had been planned by many. We stopped to gather for prayer. We were of single mind as we gave God praise.
Teams of people then went door to door through the near-by apartment complexes and the children started to gather at the carnival, there were fifty-five people in all. They earned tickets at various stations enabling them to “buy” great prizes. There was also free lunch for all who came, along with a Bible and books presenting the gospel for youth and children!
We watched how God took this event from nothing and literally placed every part into action. Help was needed to help run the Kingdom Party. It came in the form of members from Crossroads Church. You can’t have a carnival without prizes. They came from the World Vision Store House. There was no access to rest rooms in a building. A blessing came in the form of port-a-potties being donated. The most important reason for us doing this event was to share the Word of God to people. This came in the form of a great gift from the International Bible Society. Our needs were clear: people, money and Bibles. God dealt with each need one by one.
On a dreary rainy day, children and adults went home with smiles on their faces!
I thought you might enjoy to seeing a few pictures of the day.

Teams of people then went door to door through the near-by apartment complexes and the children started to gather at the carnival, there were fifty-five people in all. They earned tickets at various stations enabling them to “buy” great prizes. There was also free lunch for all who came, along with a Bible and books presenting the gospel for youth and children!
We watched how God took this event from nothing and literally placed every part into action. Help was needed to help run the Kingdom Party. It came in the form of members from Crossroads Church. You can’t have a carnival without prizes. They came from the World Vision Store House. There was no access to rest rooms in a building. A blessing came in the form of port-a-potties being donated. The most important reason for us doing this event was to share the Word of God to people. This came in the form of a great gift from the International Bible Society. Our needs were clear: people, money and Bibles. God dealt with each need one by one.
On a dreary rainy day, children and adults went home with smiles on their faces!
I thought you might enjoy to seeing a few pictures of the day.
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